Friday, December 5, 2008

1 of 365

I have joined the 365 Days of Grace team!!
I originally saw it on, she is my blog idol by the way!! I then followed the graphic above just to learn the jest of things! It is a very easy concept. Once a day (cross your fingers!!!) for 365 days I am going to list at least 5 small simple joys of life.

1. Nice fitting jeans, perferably fresh from the dryer!
2. Shoes, I have always had a shoe fettish but as I get older, it gets more intense!
3. Private Practice, on ABC. I watched a couple episodes online and I am offically addicted!
4. P!nk, she is a woman that I believe every woman should idolize in some way shape or form. She embraces this mess called life, and knows that really it only makes her stronger.
5. Being a woman in a strong woman based family. And, I love our men for that as well!!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I'm seriously lovin the background! You totally rock! And you are so strong, and unfortunately sometimes it's tested, and being strong doesn't always make the pain less, however, WE ALWAYS FIND OUR WAY because of our strength. LOVE YOU!!!