Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gorgeous!!!!!!! Need I say more!

Jaden had her first dance debut today, OK everyone settle down before you freak out about not knowing about it! It was at the Senior Center, and it was literally only 10 minutes long, it actually took me longer to do her hair then it did for us to drive over there, dance, and come home!!!

Before I get into how unbelievably proud of her I am, I am going to pat myself on the back!! I got her ready today and she was so gorgeous I just about cried, but I didn't! There now on to Jaden, my three year old rock star! Dancing three steps behind, and watching me and the other dancers more than her coach! She blew me away. She was so happy, excited, and unbelievable. She lights up every room! There are times when I look at her and think, 'I can't believe she's mine!'

As I was doing her hair, she was sitting on the counter watching me in the mirror and she said, "mom, you turned me into a woman!" I started laughing, where the hell do kids get this stuff?! I said you think so, and she said "yeah, I look big like you". I am not ready for her to be big, I know, I know, I have quite a while but as much as I complain about her cute little attitude I really am loving this age. She is so funny, and to watch her try to figure things out. She amazes me and I think this world could learn a whole lot if everyone would just slow down and simply watch a child go about their business.

I have always enjoyed just simply watching her. Since the day she was born. She is the dictionary definition of Awesome (to be left in awe, formidable, amazing, heart-stirring, wonderful). I know, those of you that are reading this are thinking to yourself, all mom's say things like that, but she truly is amazing. She has been so easy. I had a great pregnancy, not so great labor, but as a baby, she hardly ever cried, she smiled all the time, (and no it wasn't gas!!!!) , and she just roles with things. She simply and unbelievably is just amazing!

And she was her unbelievably, amazing, awesome, self today that she always is. I have to pat myself on the back one more time. Look at this remarkable human I have brought into this world. God, I love her!!! On the way home, I looked in the backseat and said, "great job today Jadie Lou Who", she looked at me and said, "thanks, mama", and the smile on her face was.... Uh, there are no words.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I have been waiting!

I am a huge Bam Margera fan! I watch everything Bam is on or involved in and I also listen to his radio show. I have been waiting for this book to actually come out! They are also hoping to make a movie to go along with it. So many times I have had a laugh at Novak's expense, but reading this book has given me a whole new perspective. The wording, the honesty, to be completely honest I was worried that it would be filled with the hiding behind the wall Brandon Novak that he is so obviously being on anything public with Bam. This book is great and he deserves nothing but respect for the detail and harsh reality he has put into it. Knowing so much of behind the scenes of this book, I am completely amazed at the talent he has pulled out to put forth in this. Congratulations Brandon Novak, this is a true accomplishment. Something for many to respect and idolize you for. Hopefully it is inspiration for even you!!

6 of 365

Ok so I have decided although, I really enjoy the 365 days of grace, it takes up too much of my blog page and I don't want it to be full of just this so I have changed the rules a bit! I am going to do the 365 days of grace at least once a week, that way I have more time and room to blog about other things I feel deserve web space!! Thanks for the understanding!

1. A quiet house!!
2. Sleeping in, I actually slept in till 10 this morning! It was AWESOME!
3. Candles!
4. The silly things Jaden says!
5. My MOM!! I love her, I cheirsh her existence, and I can only hope that I can be to my daughter what my mom is to me. She is the woman I want so much to be!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

5 of 365

1. Money! Although it is not a small thing, it is something that is often taken for granted! Sometimes, it is something that is just assumed to be there.
2. My Sirius Stiletto! (angels sing when that is said and a stream of light comes down and shines upon it!)
3. Chap stick (or chack stip, as Jaden prefers to call it!), especially during this time of year!
4. Spell Check!!
5. Doing this 365 days of grace!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

4 of 365

1. Sleeping! I sincerely love it!!!
2. Pictures & memories.
3. My daughters laughter.
4. Noovies!!!
5. New glasses!!!! Thanks to my sister's big mouth!! (she knows how much I love her so every once and a while I can get away with saying things like that!) And my mom (of course), I have cute glasses that I wear pretty much everyday now!! Have I told you all how much I love them!! I really really love those people!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

3 OF 365

1. Someone cooking for me.
2. A clean house, a lot like my organization one from 2 of 365, I like having things clean and sometimes enjoy actually cleaning, but they never seem to stay that way, no matter how much you bitch for them to!!!
3. Heat. I HATE WINTER!! Sorry that wasn't very joyful of me! I will redo that one!
3. Comfy cozy jammies, big soft blankets, the best snuggle buddy ever (Mine is Jaden!! or Outlaw if my first option refuses!), and a good book, or movie!
4. My almost four-year-old daughter coming into her own, so to speak! She is a smart ass, and I love it! For now!!!
5. The telephone. Without it I wouldn't be able to talk to my sister for hours on end!! Have I mentioned to you all how awesome she is!! Check her out, you'll love her too!
Wild & Crazy Girl

Saturday, December 6, 2008

2 OF 365

1. Being Organized! I actually really enjoy orgainizing and being organized, things just don't seem to always stay that way though!
2. The new Coke Holiday Christmas Ball bottles!
3. Outlaw, my 12 year old cat! He doesn't know he is old though!
4. Booth's Multi-Action Body Lotion, Coconut Fig Flavor! Why you ask, because it smells like Treasure Island in Las Vegas!!!
5. Blogging! My new addiction!

Friday, December 5, 2008

1 of 365

I have joined the 365 Days of Grace team!!
I originally saw it on, she is my blog idol by the way!! I then followed the graphic above just to learn the jest of things! It is a very easy concept. Once a day (cross your fingers!!!) for 365 days I am going to list at least 5 small simple joys of life.

1. Nice fitting jeans, perferably fresh from the dryer!
2. Shoes, I have always had a shoe fettish but as I get older, it gets more intense!
3. Private Practice, on ABC. I watched a couple episodes online and I am offically addicted!
4. P!nk, she is a woman that I believe every woman should idolize in some way shape or form. She embraces this mess called life, and knows that really it only makes her stronger.
5. Being a woman in a strong woman based family. And, I love our men for that as well!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lyrics....I swear they have been stolen

Drinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of this
I just need a compass and a willing accomplice
All my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down again
Up and down and round again, down and up and round again.

Oh, I've had my chances and I've taken them all.
Just to end up right back here on the floor.
To end up right back here on the floor.

Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.
Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.
But I'm not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
The cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.

Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ring.
Love just needs a witness and a little forgivness
And a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace
and I'm learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.

Oh I've felt that fire and I've been burned
But I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've learned
I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've learned.

Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.
Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.
But I'm not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
Of the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.

Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and love
What it does to me, what it's done to me.
What is done...done

Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.
Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare,
Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I'll meet you there.

But I'm not scared at all, hmm...I'm not scared at all.
Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

L~O~V~E or Should I say V~E~G~A~S

I am just going to start saying "I Vegas You!!" Actually if I ever say that to you, you should come to tears, knowing that really there is no higher emotion I could ever have for you!! :)

Jana is completely right, Las Vegas is my Mecca and of course I owe it all to her. She has given me the best gift anyone could have given me, (well besides God, for giving me Jaden, and my mother for giving me life) ok so the third best gift anyone could have ever given me!

Someday Vegas, it runs through my head on a daily basis, it's what gets me through the day. The thought that I share this world with a place called Las Vegas, Nevada. Home of the Cirque Du Soleil, the only train depot located inside a hotel/casino, Hart & Huntington Tattoo Shop, the TI Sirens, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, and of course all the gorgeous, breath taking, luxurious hotels & casinos, that when put all together, bring the entire world to your feet! My step-dad once asked me what it was about Vegas that I loved so much. Without even thinking about it, my answer was because Vegas doesn’t care who you are. Anyone and everyone can go there, do what they want, be who they want, and Vegas is the only place where they just mesh with everyone else. People are there for a specific reason, to have a good time, for work, to become a star, TO GET MARRIED!, or whatever, they’re not there to look at or even judge the person that is standing so close to them in the busy streets that you could hold their hand.

I love the sites, the sounds, the smells, the history! Many believe it was originally founded by the Mob but really, the idea of Las Vegas was started long before then. If anyone needs to be thanked for this amazing gift called Las Vegas (translation=”The meadows”) it would be 1905 Montana Senator Williams Andrew Clark, he was the owner of the San Pedro, Las Angeles, & Salt Lake Railroads. He auctioned off 1200 lots in one day which became “Glitter Gulch”, which is now known as Freemont Street! The original Las Vegas strip! Although the casinos and hotels on Freemont are ancient and don’t hold a candle to “The Strip”, it is the home of The Freemont Street Experience, a place that is often seen in the television show CSI! Another man I should mention before I end this blog that has now turned into a written report on Vegas, is Phil Tobin. He was a North Nevada rancher that did not believe in gambling or had ever been to Las Vegas, but was the one that wrote up the bill to legalize gambling in Nevada. He did it for the public schools. 43% of Nevada’s general funding is from gambling, 34% of that goes to public schools!

I could keep going! This was fun to me! Sorry if it bored you! This isn’t really the route I was going when I started this… Originally it was just a comment on my sister’s blog, then it turned into a blog of my own and now a quick history lesson on Las Vegas! But, I think I may have gotten my point across, or Jana’s anyway! I love Vegas. I joke about moving there but really I know I probably never will. Everyone tells me I wouldn’t love it as much if I did, I think they are wrong, really I don’t believe there is anything that could make me feel any different for that place!

Las Vegas, I Vegas you!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Geez... I have been... Jana!

I have been blogging, I swear I have.

I really don't sit at my "home" computer very often, and when I do it's usually to pay bills or what not, you know the grown up things to do at a comp!!!

Although, I work at home, my work computer is just that! My "work" computer! I know, how lame huh!! Why they think they have the right to put security settings on a piece of equipment they own and expect it to be used for only what they want!! I am telling you, what is this world coming to!? Now all you identity theft and hacker people out there, see what you have done. It's like one kid in the family getting grounded and no one being able to do anything...!!!

So, you are asking yourself, how have I been blogging then and/or where have they been going!? I am getting there, settle down! I have been typing up blogs on my work e-mail then sending them to my personal e-mail but then have been too lazy to transfer them from my personal e-mail to here! Even though this is quit embarassing, I wanted to keep you in the loop because it may be that I will be posting multiple blogs on any given day!! Sorry for any inconvience this may cause but don't blame me! Blame all those people that have misused their privledges to the point to where no one gets to have any fun!!

Blog on bloggers!! Blog on!!!

Second Glance!!!

I just got done reading Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. She is also the author of My sisters keeper, picture perfect, and perfect match. Just to name a few. I believe Second Glance was her 21st published novel. Anyway, It was great. I am one of those people that just has to really get into a book in order to keep reading it. I have actually gotten half way through certain books and decided it just wasn’t doing anything for me and I never picked it up again. It took me only two weeks to read this one. Which for some may be a long time but for me that is record timing. Even if I like a book it still takes me a while to get through it because it doesn’t call my name when I could be reading but chose to be watching television or something along the lines of being lazy!! This novel did just that! Maybe it called my name because of the paranormal mishaps that happened from within!! LOL! It does have a paranormal base to it but not one of the cheesy kind. This is more like the in a dream, déjà vu, goose bumps on the back of your neck type of paranormal! Anyway, it was really good and I would suggest it to just about anybody! So, tis the season for wrapping up in your most comfortable, (most likely falling apart), jammies, and your biggest, softest blanket and getting into a good book! Happy reading!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

And it all came together!!!

All of you should be proud of me! When I say all of you I mean Jana, considering she is most likely the only one looking at this!! I have actually made my blogspot my own and have added not one but two posts now!! It's sad that someone with a degree in Internet Design has taken this long to put together the most simple of blog pages and then asked for reassurance!! But I have so just give it to me!!

I miss this! I miss sitting at the computer changing the appearance of the screen by the code I enter or the picture I design, change, or format to bring it all together, to complete it, or do just what I have done and make it my own! I just wont tell you how long it took me to remember where certain tools and/or aids were on my photoshop software to get that Vegas pic behind my title just perfect!!! This is where I should put LOL but I wasn't laughing so...

I have rambled on enough! Don't want to bore you too much on the first visit! Come back! I promise things will be more exciting!


Hmmm.... The first official blog on here and I am having bloggers block!