Saturday, October 11, 2008

And it all came together!!!

All of you should be proud of me! When I say all of you I mean Jana, considering she is most likely the only one looking at this!! I have actually made my blogspot my own and have added not one but two posts now!! It's sad that someone with a degree in Internet Design has taken this long to put together the most simple of blog pages and then asked for reassurance!! But I have so just give it to me!!

I miss this! I miss sitting at the computer changing the appearance of the screen by the code I enter or the picture I design, change, or format to bring it all together, to complete it, or do just what I have done and make it my own! I just wont tell you how long it took me to remember where certain tools and/or aids were on my photoshop software to get that Vegas pic behind my title just perfect!!! This is where I should put LOL but I wasn't laughing so...

I have rambled on enough! Don't want to bore you too much on the first visit! Come back! I promise things will be more exciting!


Hmmm.... The first official blog on here and I am having bloggers block!